New study conducted by Inmunotek together with ClinCompetence Cologne promising results for short-course of subcutaneous treatment

A recent study published in the journal Allergy has shown that a short course of allergy shots can significantly reduce symptoms and medication use in people with birch pollen allergy. The study involved 298 adults with birch pollen allergy who were given either a placebo or a series of five allergy shots containing a modified birch pollen extract. The shots were given over a period of two months before the start of birch pollen season.

The results showed that the people who received the allergy shots had a 33% reduction in their combined symptom and medication score (CSMS) during the peak birch pollen season compared to those who received the placebo. They also had a 30% reduction in their daily symptom score and a 56% reduction in their daily medication score. In addition, the allergy shots were well-tolerated and safe.

This study is important because it shows that a short course of allergy shots can be an effective treatment for people with birch pollen allergy. This is good news for people who are looking for a shorter and more convenient treatment option.

If you are interested in learning more about this study, you can find it here: